Moon Brilliant Splash 8 po

8" Moon Brilliant Splash

Hybrid finish (traditional + brilliant), bright and glassy sound with a high to medium pitch, a medium sustain and very fast response for explosive accents


Production: 100% Handcrafted
Finish: Traditional + Brilliant
Material: B20
Tone: Bright
Volume: Mid
Sustain: Mid
Response: Fast


Price: 39,00 EUR








Single Cymbal




Cymbals On Drum Set








Cymbal Sets


Moon Brilliant Main Set


Moon Brilliant Cymbal Set 1

(14" Medium Hihat + 16" Medium Thin Crash + 20" Medium Ride)

569,00 EUR



 Moon Brilliant Crash Set


Moon Brilliant Cymbal Set 2

(16" Medium Thin Crash + 18" Medium Thin Crash)

299,00 EUR



Moon Brilliant Embellish Set


Moon Brilliant Cymbal Set 3

(10" Splash + 14" Stacker + 16" China)

279,00 EUR





Zertifikat web


Every Moon Brilliant Cymbal comes with a signed certificate which contains the exact weight of the cymbal.




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